Dr. Ma studied medicinal chemistry at Fudan University and received Ph.D. degree in 2018. He then worked as a postdoctoral fellow on natural product biosynthesis at Nanyang Technological University. In 2023, he joined the Innovation center of Yangtze river Delta of Zhejiang University as an assistant professor. His research focuses on diverse aspects of bioactive natural products from TCM and micro-organisms, including genomics-driven discovery, biosynthetic pathway elucidation and engineering, and molecular mode of action and resistance studies.
1. Guang-Lei Ma, Hartono Candra, Li Mei Pang, Juan Xiong, Yichen Ding, Hoa Thi Tran, Zhen Jie Low, Hong Ye, Min Liu, Jie Zheng, Mingliang Fang, Bin Cao, and Zhao-Xun Liang. Biosynthesis of tasikamides via pathway coupling and diazonium-mediated hydrazone formation. Journal of the American Chemical Society2022, 144, 1622–1633.
2. Guang-Lei Ma, Hoa Thi Tran, Zhen Jie Low, Hartono Candra, Li Mei Pang, Qing Wei Cheang, Mingliang Fang, and Zhao-Xun Liang. Pathway retrofitting yields insights into the biosynthesis of anthraquinone-fused enediynes. Journal of the American Chemical Society2021, 143, 11500-11509.
3. Zhen Jie Low, Guang-Lei Ma (co-first), Hoa Thi Tran, Yike Zou, Juan Xiong, Limei Pang, Selbi Nuryyeva, Hong Ye, Jin-Feng Hu, K. N. Houk, and Zhao-Xun Liang. Sungeidines from a non-canonical enediyne biosynthetic pathway. Journal of the American Chemical Society2020, 142, 1673-1679.